This Pandemic has created constant chaos and change. So how do we adapt? What do you do? One thing is clear if you are working at home or anywhere, you need to ensure that you’re communicating your processes and goals with teammates and superiors to make sure you’re on the same page. And send reminders, very friendly reminders, that convey you understand these are overwhelming times.
Do you have a cloud-based system so that you can remain up-to-date with what’s going on and share your latest tasks or news? If not, this might be a great time to suggest such a tool (and show yourself to be someone who embrace and doesn’t fight it.)
To ensure you’re maximizing your time, try using a project management apps such as Asana, and there are certainly many others. These apps can measure if you’re being efficient with projects that matter the most – or if the stress of constant change has you chatting with buddies on Facebook more than you should. Think about quick fixes like having an automatic email response ready to go for those things that haven’t changed so you can devote more attention to learning new structures or responsibilities.
Also, don’t isolate yourself, reach out to colleagues, thought leaders, and people that inspire you and grab a virtual coffee or lunch. Even if they’re only around for a short time, gathering new contacts is always a smart move and a good investment in your career – and can help you view change as a positive. These tips work even if we aren't in a Pandemic, but are critical when we face this level of Chaos.